What I wish I knew about EDITORS
4 Minute Read - If you open your student mailbox right now, in addition to the multiple requests from fellow students to complete their surveys, you will probably find one or two cold emails from academic editors offering their services. Choosing an editor is often something that is done at the last minute, a few weeks (sometimes days) before a final submission is due and many students consequently run into trouble with this process. Given how expensive the services of an editor can be, I…
What I wish I knew about SUBMISSION DATES
3 Minute Read - As undergraduate students, we are conditioned to think that submission deadlines are cast in stone. That’s the case for most of us anyway. A handful of confident students actually attempt to negotiate assignment dates with their lecturers, but this is often not a good way to go about things either. As you move further up the degree hierarchy, things become more flexible. This is why you may find someone finishing a degree in 2 years and the next person taking 4…